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 Trains / Train Organizations / 1033
1032  |  1034
Re: Show report
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 00:47:32 GMT
2802 times
Peter & All,

   Not knowing what train you are referring to, I am sure my trains are • the
dustiest, as they sat on the shelf for awhile, all the other people's • trains
looked good.

That's OK, Scott--the festoons of dust flying off just added a nice • effect.
Artificial smoke without the chemical smell =)

That was a bad smell, maybe they can shoot some air freshener in that smoke
maker. Nice effect, though. : )

I just wanted to add that I, too, had a lot of fun at the show.  The whole
thing was great.  The best part was when kids came in, saw the 4561 set up
on a separate table and ran over to see it, then wanted to see it run.  I
had to tell them we didn't have an outlet there so couldn't run it (who'd
want to run a 4561 anyhow? =), but "the trains back there are running!" • And
then for the first time many of them noticed 24' x 24' of Lego...

Indeed, the kids enjoyed it, but I bet the AFOL'S enjoyed it more, outside
of packup, the occasional train accident, etc.

Scott " I Want my airport just like Chris's when it grows up" S.
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Scott E. Sanburn, Owner

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  Re: Show report
(...) That's OK, Scott--the festoons of dust flying off just added a nice effect. Artificial smoke without the chemical smell =) I just wanted to add that I, too, had a lot of fun at the show. The whole thing was great. The best part was when kids (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to

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