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 Trains / Train Organizations / 1016
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Re: Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 01:30:15 GMT
3119 times
In, John Neal writes:

Interesting analysis, Kevin.  I am curious, would you then advocate using, say • a
mountain, which is non-LEGO and made out of paper mache?  On a related note:

Absolutely not!  I'm a purist to the point that I don't even like homemade
stickers.  Besides, mountains are supposed to be rough and 3-dimensional.

The effect that I like is when you see a scene (or picture) that has nothing
but LEGO in the field of view it can magically transform into an almost
believable scene.  Not necessarally an accurate representation but one that
suddenly gives you the "you are there" feeling.  It's hard to do.  The only
thing I know for sure is that it requires nothing but LEGO within the field of

For example, this looks like an impressive airport scene at a train show:


While this image gives you the feeling you are actually looking at an airport
(not an airport model at a train show):

Now obviously your cognitive mind knows you are looking at a LEGO model
and not an actual airport, some other, part of your mind says
that it matches patterns with things that look like an airport.

How does this relate to baseplates vs bricks?  I'm not sure, but my subjective
analysis is that baseplates provide a self-symetry that makes it look more
"natural".  It may be subjective though and I'm not qualified to state that as
fact.  There are other advantages too, chiefly the ability to rapidly and
arbitrarally reconfigure the layout.  Of course there are advantages to the
brick method too, such as built-in elevation for underground features.


Message is in Reply To:
  Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
(...) Interesting analysis, Kevin. I am curious, would you then advocate using, say a mountain, which is non-LEGO and made out of paper mache? On a related note: it seems to me that TLC used to make their dioramas out of bricks more than they do (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jan-01, to

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