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 Trains / Train Organizations / 1047
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Re: Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 11:34:01 GMT
3715 times
In, Steve Chapple writes:
In, Chris Leach writes:
In, Kevin Loch writes:
In, Chris Leach writes:
When i designed that on track designer i was going for the "city block"
look.We were able to get a ton of plates(over 400) from TLC so i really

It's good to see they helped out like that.  Did that include road
plates and runway plates or just green 32x32's?
200 green 32x32's, 192 straight road, 26 T roads ,32 grey 48x48 and trees.
...So we ended up with 850 trees along with my own and Scotts.

Might I be able to borrow the trees (and any extra straights and
switches) for Supertrain2001 one month from (yesterday and) today?


Incedentially, we used some of the trees to stablize the plates. We placed
trees on the four corners junctions of four plates to lock them into position.
The plates were green and so were the tree bases. You might also want to dig up
som 2x2 green plates for the same purpose.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
(...) Might I be able to borrow the trees (and any extra straights and switches) for Supertrain2001 one month from (yesterday and) today? SRC StRuCtures (23 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to

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