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Re: Show report
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:45:04 GMT
2776 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

In, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:

BTW: I have just downloded all pictures from brickshelf: Larry P., Kai B. and
Scott S. have uploaded 52.2 Mb of picture data.... I fear it will take some
hours to take a clooser look at the stuff this evening. (And one hint at Larry
P.: I know cameras with some Megapixels are cool, but despite of this pictures
with reduced resolution (for e.g. 640x480) seem to offer enough quality for >the
internet, don't they?

Yes, but I don't like to take reduced resolution pics... and I didn't have
the time to go through and make them smaller. So I dumped them all up with no QC

I usually try to crop or reduce the size of pictures, but it certainly
adds time to the process. What would be nice is if Brickshelf had some
way to specify on your viewing the max picture size you wanted to see,
and then it would auto-scale pictures which are too big. Of course that
would require more run time CPU power or a fixed set of max size choices
and extra disk space (if it was done this way, one could probably
actually get away with a single max size of 640x480, and just store that
preference in a cookie).

If 400-kB-pictures like this one should be published at
all, is another question, one could dare to ask.  ;-)

which leads to ones like the above which is gone now...

Hmm, still seems to be there. I often skim through the pictures on the
camera, and delete things like that before I even get close to the PC.

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Show report
(...) Yes, but I don't like to take reduced resolution pics... and I didn't have the time to go through and make them smaller. So I dumped them all up with no QC (...) ++Lar (23 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to

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