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 Trains / Train Organizations / 1046
1045  |  1047
Re: Show report
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 11:29:07 GMT
4213 times
In, Steve Chapple writes:
In, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:

We always have had layouts with lots of ramps and bridges.

Quite right - as you should.  Are we the only two here (now that Matt
isn't around much) who think (of train layouts) in three dimensions?  8-)

We used three controllers per track circuit to lessen voltage drops.
One circuit had gaps, one didn't. The gapped one was easier to control
as you could more easily adjust speeds independently (it looks cool
to have the train crawl through the yard and speed up on the other
parts of the line)

I was planning to use multiple gapped controllers at Supertrain2001,
but hadn't thought of slowing down through the yard - good idea.
Any other advice on wiring (or other aspects)?  It's going to change,
but currently this is my layout plan.  (To give you an idea of the size.)


A problem we encountered with wiring was wire length. Because we did not have
enough long (Mindstorms) wires we had to place controllers in inconvienent
places. If you are not a 100% purist you should consider making some long
exteneders. Some of the Mindstorms sights have information on making your own
connectors and the gauge of wire needed. Unfortunately this does involve two of
the three deadly sins (cutting, gluing and painting).

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Show report
(...) It involves cutting but no gluing or painting! How about soldering--is that a fourth deadly sin, a subset of gluing (joining?), or is it just venial? Peter (23 years ago, 19-Jan-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Show report
(...) <snip> (...) Quite right - as you should. Are we the only two here (now that Matt isn't around much) who think (of train layouts) in three dimensions? 8-) (...) I was planning to use multiple gapped controllers at Supertrain2001, but hadn't (...) (23 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to,

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