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 Trains / Train Organizations / 1040
1039  |  1041
Re: Show report
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 20:22:46 GMT
3879 times
In, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:

We always have had layouts with lots of ramps and bridges.

Quite right - as you should.  Are we the only two here (now that Matt
isn't around much) who think (of train layouts) in three dimensions?  8-)

We used three controllers per track circuit to lessen voltage drops.
One circuit had gaps, one didn't. The gapped one was easier to control
as you could more easily adjust speeds independently (it looks cool
to have the train crawl through the yard and speed up on the other
parts of the line)

I was planning to use multiple gapped controllers at Supertrain2001,
but hadn't thought of slowing down through the yard - good idea.
Any other advice on wiring (or other aspects)?  It's going to change,
but currently this is my layout plan.  (To give you an idea of the size.)


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Show report
(...) I think in 3 dimensions too but on a plywooder layout with no terrain, a bunch of ramps and bridges tend to make things look more toylike unless there is some clear justification for the bridges (to cross over another line for a plausible (...) (23 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to,
  Three Dimensions (was: Show report)
(...) I assure you, the GMLTC thinks in three dimensions. The layout we're working on now will have trains running at least four different heights, and maybe five if we can squeeze one more into the design... We try to put "interesting" things at (...) (23 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to,
  Re: Show report
(...) A problem we encountered with wiring was wire length. Because we did not have enough long (Mindstorms) wires we had to place controllers in inconvienent places. If you are not a 100% purist you should consider making some long exteneders. Some (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jan-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Show report
(...) indeed: and even nosediving engines offer lots of fun (and memorable moments), after you have survived the first shock and found out nothong important is broken... (...) That's in fact planned for the next meeting. (...) Ok, that's the (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to

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