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Re: Show report
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains,
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 15:50:07 GMT
3723 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, John Matthews writes:
Larry Pieniazek <> wrote in message
Mine are huge (12x16hundred) so will be a lot slower to view. I just
uploaded a big zip and it failed to work so I have to do it image by
That would be your first clue that these images are *way* too big for most

Since I haven't sat down and figured out how to automatically resize and
rename a bunch of pictures at once inside of the tool I use, the time to
reformat all of them wasn't available to me. So it came down to those or
none. I chose those rather than none.

Since you have thumbnails to choose from, you only pay the price for ones
you want to see. Since other people uploaded smaller ones, you don't have to
look at mine at all if large images get you all annoyed.

I could see a basis for your carping if I was the only source. But I wasn't.

And in case it's not apparant, Lar - some folks appreciate your larger pics,
so please don't assume from the negative comments that its not worth the
effort - it is.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Show report
(...) Since I haven't sat down and figured out how to automatically resize and rename a bunch of pictures at once inside of the tool I use, the time to reformat all of them wasn't available to me. So it came down to those or none. I chose those (...) (23 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to, lugnet.trains,

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