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Re: Show report
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:07:12 GMT
2413 times
In, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:

Hi Larry,

thanks for giving these first infos. Now it's like christmas: waiting for the

I was amazed that everybody has to do some of the experiences for his own

Well, to a certain extent, advice is easy to give, and some of the things we
ran into were things that people in the group (remember, this is a very
loosely organized group with no structure, just forming, and many of the
group members had never worked with each other before this) such as myself
(who has been involved in, or advised about, many many shows) had given
advice about.

But advice is one thing and doing the work is another. Chris did the
majority of the work in organizing and pulling things together, and he's
never done this before. Not everyone was able to be there at the setup, and
nothing compares to going through it yourself.

So I am not going to fault anyone for not taking advice beforehand. Advice
is easy to give. Doing it is much harder.

At our last event I thought I would be able to recognize my stuff in any
case, so I could obmit to mark the models. But if your Metroliner-middlewaggon
is in a line of 7 others, they suddenly all look the same... And if you put
somebodys little amount of track just into one oval in one room, someone at
some time will shorten the oval and bear part of it somewhere else (not >meaning
to "steal" it, but not thinking about who might be the owner of it). Then you
will find out that 50% of the track spenders haven't counted or marked their
stuff at all.

Two suggestions: Don't bring stock models, you'll know your own MOCs, and
use stickers on the bottoms of things and inventory lists.

Rolling stock which is droping from tables is part of any good show too, as it
seems. If you haven't chrashes like that, you had not enough moving models and
visitors have been too far away from the layout.  ;-)

What about your experience with driving trains of other people? We have
thought about kind of rule: only the owner of a train model is allowed to
work on the transformer, as long as his model is on the track. Has anybody
else experiences with rules like this, or is there no need for it? (I
myself do not like to see my favorites MOCs being part of a great train
crash, caused by anyone else than me.)

This seems unworkable, as all our controllers are in the center, and we
needed the majority of the folks working the show on the outside, doing the
"any questions, here's a flyer that answers all the common ones, kids,
please step back and don't put your hands on the layout, stop taking those
trees off, yes LEGO has made trains since 1965, no, it's a stealth product
but go read about it on, etc." routine.

Both of my bullet nosedives were when someone else was on the controls and
neither was the "fault" of the controller. We mostly didn't have anyone "on
the controls" the center person just tripped the master power if anyone
yelled "power".

We used three controllers per track circuit to lessen voltage drops. One
circuit had gaps, one didn't. The gapped one was easier to control as you
could more easily adjust speeds independently (it looks cool to have the
train crawl through the yard and speed up on the other parts of the line)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Show report
(...) Er, let me eat those words. One nosedive was due to me, and was while I was on the controls. I was trying to get the bullet to run as fast as I dared, a middle coach tipped over on a curve (it was the inside of a doubletrack) and was plowed (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jan-01, to
  Re: Show report
(...) indeed: and even nosediving engines offer lots of fun (and memorable moments), after you have survived the first shock and found out nothong important is broken... (...) That's in fact planned for the next meeting. (...) Ok, that's the (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Show report
In, Larry Pieniazek writes: Hi Larry, thanks for giving these first infos. Now it's like christmas: waiting for the pictures.... I was amazed that everybody has to do some of the experiences for his own again. At our last event (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jan-01, to

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