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 Trains / Train Organizations / 1014
1013  |  1015
Re: Show report
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 00:37:02 GMT
2282 times
In, Kevin Loch writes:

I love the McDonalds, but aren't the roof stripes white?

I think it varies.

I also noticed that you used stock folding tables.  Were these provided by the
exhibition hall?  If so, how did you know that they would be the same height,
be level and in good repair?  It looks like it worked out fine but I
would hate to have to worry about that for every show.

They were provided. and they were NOT the same height, and not level. This
caused much trouble. They WERE in good repair. No one on the Detroit side of
the state (this is a club that just formed for this show) has storage space
for tables and for the crowd control ropes that MICHLTC is favoring now.

Maybe after a few more shows the appearance money will pay for tables...


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  Re: Show report
(...) The airport was awesome! Now only if they offered gray 2x2 tiles in 100 packs... :) Actually the whole layout was very well done. I have to say, I prefer the look of the "baseplate" landscape to the "brick" landscape. There is something about (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jan-01, to

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