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 Trains / Train Organizations / 1003
1002  |  1004
Re: Show report
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:15:49 GMT
2408 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:

Both of my bullet nosedives were when someone else was on the controls and
neither was the "fault" of the controller. We mostly didn't have anyone "on
the controls" the center person just tripped the master power if anyone
yelled "power".

Er, let me eat those words. One nosedive was due to me, and was while I was
on the controls. I was trying to get the bullet to run as fast as I dared, a
middle coach tipped over on a curve (it was the inside of a doubletrack) and
was plowed off the table by an oncoming freight (someone yelled "power" when
the tipover happened but there wasn't time to shut down before the freight

That wreck is reminiscent of the conrail/amtrak wreck a few years back. BTW
I shouldn't talk about wrecks because I am riding Acela NYC-Boston tomorrow...


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  Re: Show report
(...) Well, to a certain extent, advice is easy to give, and some of the things we ran into were things that people in the group (remember, this is a very loosely organized group with no structure, just forming, and many of the group members had (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jan-01, to

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