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 Off-Topic / Debate / 7942
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Re: IP ( was Re: LP POINT 1
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 11:01:00 GMT
4555 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Scott Arthur writes:
And anyway, your post was a dodge, not an answer to Larry's.

In your opinion.

And mine. But it wasn't a really really bad dodge, merely a minor one, I'm
not too upset about it.

Scott, I can restate it if you want to try answering yes or no, but I think
most of us know the answer already. However I don't want to put words in
your mouth without your approval.

As I said, I think this is a key point. Chris, in asking about victimless
crimes such as paid consenting sex between adults,

I do not conceed that that is a victiless crime. I'm sure their are "happy
hookers", but a good deal of them are being exploited.

was getting at, by
example, whether you're willing to impose your values on others
to stop non
rights violating behaviours because you personally don't like them

They are not _my_ values - they are those of the society I live. In your LP
dreamland you impose your values, via _your_ charity donations to causes you
deem worthy, on others. In the society I live in, may tax notionally goes
towards the good of society as a whole - not just my pet projects.

because they are going to cost the NHS scheme more money)

There are those in the UK who think the tobacco companies should pick up
part of the NHS tab.

I think you are (willing to impose morality), and I think we're not. It's
fundamentally a moral issue, I think. One that you're on the same side as
some of the christians are, BTW.

Where are the morals in constructing a society which would not give a
starving man the right to food? Where are the morals in constructing a
society which does not give equal rights to all? Why should education be
restricted to the wealthy - are they the only ones have the ability to learn
in your “moralistic” society?

Scott A


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: IP ( was Re: LP POINT 1
(...) Many people are "exploited" if you define it widely enough. Isn't being an employee exploitation? Actually, weren't you being exploited by the system when you were going to school for free? You were being incented by the masses to behave in a (...) (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: IP ( was Re: LP POINT 1
(...) And mine. But it wasn't a really really bad dodge, merely a minor one, I'm not too upset about it. Scott, I can restate it if you want to try answering yes or no, but I think most of us know the answer already. However I don't want to put (...) (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to

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