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 Off-Topic / Debate / 7517
7516  |  7518
Tue, 28 Nov 2000 15:30:31 GMT
2750 times
Snip it all except the quote

If you'd like to define the meaning of *this*

Libertarians and their "I've got mine, Jack" philosphy are people who were
born on third base and think they've hit life's triple. In America's
egalitarian society it should surprise no one this cramped, neo-Victorian
philosophy has not caught on.
Russell Sadler, commentator, Jefferson Public Radio in Ashland, Oregon

as that the LP (not small l libertarianisn) doesn't have deep, broad,
election winning support in the US, then I would agree.

However that's rather a smaller point than what I think the author is trying
to make. I cannot judge intent, of course. Can you? What basis do you have
for thinking that small point is his actual point rather than the larger,
more significant one?

If we go by what I think is a reasonable interpretation of his prose (poorly
written as it is), he's making a much larger point and I've shown that it's
false. I did so in the part you dismissed as "rabid". Was that because you
can't refute it?

So you choose. Small point, you're right. Big point, I'm right. Me, I think
big. Concede that (even while choosing which point you were actually making,
so that you get to "win") and I'll move on to the next. Tomorrow, probably.
However if you don't concede that point, we're not done here.

To Dave!'s observation that the world has been moving in a libertarian
direction since the time of the enlightenment, I would tend to agree.
However it hasn't been a monotonically increasing function. We had some
major backsliding eariler this century and about 1980 or so saw a huge
turning point in which the trend started to reverse and the movement towards
freedom accelerate again. I'd like to think that the Austrian school, the
Cato institute, and the LP all are factors in that.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LP POINT 1
(...) Read : (URL) key phrase: "Show me what the support for LP is. Show me it is a representative cross section of the US public." I then clairified: (URL) key phrase: "I'm interested in breadth - not depth. Show me that all socio-economic groups (...) (24 years ago, 28-Nov-00, to
  Re: LP POINT 1
<SNIPPED> (...) You may view this as a snipe, but it is more of a BTW. Co-chair the CATA Walfare Privatization research the the USA is Jose Pinera. Pinera was a former minister of labor and welfare in Chile (nice dish), - managed the privatization (...) (24 years ago, 28-Nov-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LP POINT 1
(...) Nope. Read it again. His assertion is that as America is an egalitarian society, it rejected the LP. Basically his point is that egalitarianism is at odds with the LP. As you well know, the point I raised referred only to the range of support (...) (24 years ago, 28-Nov-00, to

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