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 Robotics / RCX / 144
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Re: RCX Controlled Air Compressor Tester
lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.rcx
Sat, 2 Oct 1999 02:37:43 GMT
757 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

John Morgan wrote:

Maybe I should just loan you my testing machine....

Why don't we just send both of them to Larry?<grin> I am sure He would agree
with that train of thought. (1)

Works for me. I'll even pay for shipping. :-) Just kidding.

Well, people, I think we'd better get down to some serious business...

I think we
need to see instructions for the tester! That way we can all reproduce
the results. But, maybe we need to compare several testers to see how
much variability there is between testers testing the same (or identical
but different parts) compressors. Ai!

Agreed. Building instructions on the way soon as I can see whether improvements are
required as as been variously suggested:a. use an angle sensor
b. use a pressure sensor
c.straighten the curved line, etc

Or keep it as it is , following the adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

This is the classic "how do you calibrate the measuring tool if you
don't have a standard to start from". We have no idea how much
variability there is in things like springs and piston friction and
pivot friction, which in turn can mean that two testers get different
measurements of the same pump, or two identical pumps give different
measurements on the same tester...

A whole field of research has opened up. Certainly, there's a lot still to be
C S Soh
... where air is power

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RCX Controlled Air Compressor Tester
(...) Works for me. I'll even pay for shipping. :-) Just kidding. I think we need to see instructions for the tester! That way we can all reproduce the results. But, maybe we need to compare several testers to see how much variability there is (...) (25 years ago, 1-Oct-99, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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