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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20272
20271  |  20273
Re: THIS is why this whole war is a waste of time. - NO ITS NOT - GO BUILD SOME LEGO!!
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 01:53:04 GMT
470 times
In, Terry Prosper writes:

Frank, do you really think the people who are expressing stupid opinions
such as : "USA is supported by God" or "SH is the Devil and we HAD to get
rid of him, there was NO other solution!!!" will listen to any good

I don't see any of those people here. However I DO see people here who think
the US can do no *right*.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: THIS is why this whole war is a waste of time. - NO ITS NOT - GO BUILD SOME LEGO!!
(...) You don't? Have you read this forum lately? Really, I mean, John something is absolutely positive about this kind of stuff and many support him. I really shouldn't even answer to this low-blow, because it's absolutely intrue, but I do not (...) (22 years ago, 11-Apr-03, to

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  Re: THIS is why this whole war is a waste of time. - NO ITS NOT - GO BUILD SOME LEGO!!
(...) Frank, do you really think the people who are expressing stupid opinions such as : "USA is supported by God" or "SH is the Devil and we HAD to get rid of him, there was NO other solution!!!" will listen to any good argument? They are blind to (...) (22 years ago, 10-Apr-03, to

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