Re: Some other perspectives on the tragedy
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 03:32:19 GMT
839 times
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In, Dave Johann writes:
> In, Ross Crawford writes:
> > In, Dave Johann writes:
> > > Now let's look at the Gulf War. It lasted what? 3 days? Against the largest army
> > > in the world, the war was over in 3 days. Why? Because we didn't dilly dally and
> > > throw limited responses at the Iraqis. We pulled out the sledgehammer....and <
> > > splat>. No more cockroach. It didn't even bug us for years....NPI.
> >
> > And murdered many innocent Iraqis in the process. Sound familiar?
> That were being used as human shields
So that makes it OK to murder them?
> and no, it doesn't sound familiar.
Weren't several thousand (est) innocent Americans just murdered for the pursuit
of a (as yet unknown) goal?
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Some other perspectives on the tragedy
| (...) Jeez, you're willing to go a long way for the sake of equivocation. If they are being used as human shields, then the people using them as shields are responsible for their deaths. So, no--it's not okay to murder them, and the people using (...) (23 years ago, 14-Sep-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Some other perspectives on the tragedy
| (...) Actually, it's a combination of the two, but I won't split hairs on this one. (...) That were being used as human shields and no, it doesn't sound familiar. Saddam kept hiding. QWB was quite public about where he's been. GWB wasn't anywhere (...) (23 years ago, 14-Sep-01, to
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