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Re: This is stupid... I can't tolerate this *juniorization*...
Newsgroups:, lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.technic.bionicle
Sat, 11 Aug 2001 07:18:57 GMT
3074 times
Yes, and they had the right idea, but by not producing rare/one of a kind
masks only available in the mask packs, they will fail miserably. After
collecting the '72 masks available' then what? I haven't seen or heard of a
pack yet that had an infected mask that wasn't a Hau. rarity is a big part of
collectibility, and Lego hasn't figured that out yet.

I dunno, I think all the multi-colored masks are pretty cheezy. I agree that
there should have been greater variety and more unique masks in the packs.
How about an infected mask in every style? That would have been nifty...

                                           - Jordan

Alright then, here's a bigger question. Do you consider the masks to be
collectible items from Lego or do you think of them as 12 more building parts in
semi random colors. I think of them in the second way. After all, if it can't be
used in a MOC, then what good is it, really?

I'll agree that infected masks in all varieties should be made available.
Perhaps, Lego will see the error of their ways and fix this.

-Dave Johann
LUGNET Member #524
Founding Member: LUGOLA

HardCore's Haven

Beyond Bionicle: Lego Mecha Creations

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: This is stupid... I can't tolerate this *juniorization*...
in article, Dave Johann at wrote on 8/11/01 12:18 AM: (...) They are building parts, but they don't appear to be particularly useful building parts. Really all they are (from a building perspective) are (...) (23 years ago, 11-Aug-01, to, lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.technic.bionicle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: This is stupid... I can't tolerate this *juniorization*...
in article, Dave Johann at wrote on 8/9/01 10:29 PM: (...) I dunno, I think all the multi-colored masks are pretty cheezy. I agree that there should have been greater variety and more unique masks in the (...) (23 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to, lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.technic.bionicle)

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