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 Off-Topic / Debate / 26231
26230  |  26232
Re: Is lgbt dead in the water? & Is religion dead in the water?
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 01:59:07 GMT
1372 times
In, Orion Pobursky wrote:
Neil Gaiman (b. 1960) has done some great grphic novel work.

He's also written/co-written a couple of novels.  The only one I've read to date
was Neverwhere (also a TV miniseries in the UK), but.

Kevin J. Anderson (b. 1962) has done excellent work with Brian Herbert on the
Dune series

He also drove a lot of adults away from reading the Star Wars novels, largely as
a result of the two projects he penned involving two _more_ variations on the
Death Star, and he probably didn't get a huge amount of respect over the fact
that nearly everything else he wrote for SW was part of the Young Jedi Knights
or Junior Jedi Knights subseries.

It's also been acknowledged that the neo-Dune novels have all been largely based
on Frank Herbert's extensive notes regarding the long history leading into Dune,
and on where he was planning to take the series with Book 7, so I'm not sure
that really qualifies him as a good sci-fi author.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Is lgbt dead in the water? & Is religion dead in the water?
(...) Whoops, forgot to complete that thought. ...but it didn't really strike me as a great example of his work. The ending kinda rolls out in a largely predictable manner. I'd say the most compelling reason to read it is the unusual array of (...) (20 years ago, 20-Oct-04, to

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  Re: Is lgbt dead in the water? & Is religion dead in the water?
(...) Neal Stephenson (Snow Crash, The Diamond Age. Both in my top 20) almost meets your requirement (b. October 31, 1959) Greg Egan (b. 1961) seem to be fairly well respected (won a Hugo and John W. Campbell Memorial Award). I haven't read anything (...) (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to

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