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 Off-Topic / Debate / 19252
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Re: Dan Rather is a Useful Idiot Extraordinare
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 21:00:08 GMT
907 times
In, David Koudys writes:
In, Dave Schuler writes:


A bigger issue for me is why Klinger sometimes declared himself atheist
and sometimes a muslim, and why Hawkeye was sometimes the only child of a
widower and sometimes had a mom and a sister.


Or when Harry Morgan was cast as a 'crazy general guy' and, like 4 episodes
later-ish, he was the commanding officer of the 4077th.

Think anyone would notice that?

There was a website I saw years ago that went into all the inconsistancies

Well then they must have said something about Hawkeye making some remark
about credit cards-- which I don't believe were around during the Korean war.

Maggie C.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Dan Rather is a Useful Idiot Extraordinare
(...) Ugly John also played Captain Muldoon, in a later-series one-shot in which the doctors had to run Rosie's Bar while she recovered from cracked ribs. They played Revolving Asians, too. Mako portrayed three different roles that I can think of, (...) (22 years ago, 3-Mar-03, to

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  Re: Dan Rather is a Useful Idiot Extraordinare
In, Dave Schuler writes: <snip> (...) Or when Harry Morgan was cast as a 'crazy general guy' and, like 4 episodes later-ish, he was the commanding officer of the 4077th. Think anyone would notice that? There was a website I (...) (22 years ago, 3-Mar-03, to

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