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 Off-Topic / Debate / 19226
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Re: MASH--geat show was Re: Dan Rather is a Useful Idiot Extraordinare
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 20:15:15 GMT
917 times
In, John Neal writes:
In, David Koudys writes:

MASH did a pretty good 'racial' episode, in which a wounded soldier didn't
want blood from 'those people'.

Hawkeye sedated him and he and BJ took some dye and coloured the unconsious
soldiers' skin a darker colour...

Mike Farrell <shudder>  Actually, when M*A*S*H* started getting preachy is
about when the series jumped the shark IMO.  Charles was a poor foil, and
Margaret mellowed too much after Frank left.  It is interesting to watch the
original movie and compare the characters to the ones in the last season of the
series (or even the characters in the first season vs the last season).


Love the movie--did Robert Duvall pull of Frank--it was perfect.

Frank in the series was too fake--there were some good bits, but overall, I
found Frank to be too over-the-top.

Trapper was great, but I also liked BJ--that's a tough one.

And Potter vs Blake?  I dunno, I always like the scene where Klinger was
imitating Potter whilst forging his name--"Shermannnn Tttttt Potter!"  Then
Potter shows up--"Too much swoop in the T!"

11 years is a long time to go without adapting--saw a special on Alan Alda
last week, and it went into how he became more involve with the production
of MASH as the years went by--first writing, then directing, as well as
starring in, the show.  I've come down onthe side that the more Alda became
involved, the better the show became--it did lose alotta schtick, but it
gained intelligence and moral relevance.

And I liked Charles Emerson Winchester III so much more than Frank Burns.
The "fish out of water" usually plays well with me--Dianne in 'Cheers' and
such.  Charles, BJ, Margaret and the record player... Charles, Hawkeye, BJ
with the not showering and the horn... great stuff!

I never thought MASH jumped the shark.  And I don't know if it's still the
record, but the last ep. of MASH was the most watched show in the history of
television at one time.

Dave K

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  Re: MASH--geat show was Re: Dan Rather is a Useful Idiot Extraordinare
(...) Mike Farrell <shudder> Actually, when M*A*S*H* started getting preachy is about when the series jumped the shark IMO. Charles was a poor foil, and Margaret mellowed too much after Frank left. It is interesting to watch the original movie and (...) (22 years ago, 28-Feb-03, to

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