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 Off-Topic / Debate / 19197
19196  |  19198
Re: We love our guns!!-- was Re: Dan Rather is a Useful Idiot Extraordinare
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 16:28:18 GMT
794 times
In, Scott Arthur writes:

Given that 500,000 are stolen from lawful owners each year in the USA. >Do you think that if more restrictions were put on ownership perhaps >less would be stolen?

Please give up on the notion that gun supply can somehow be controlled.
There will *always* be guns, whether they are stolen from my house or
produced in a third world nation.

Anyway, the whole issue will become moot when technology gives us phasers
with "stun only" mode:-)  *Then* we can all be happy-- I'll be armed and
you'll get your 0 gun-related deaths.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: We love our guns!!-- was Re: Dan Rather is a Useful Idiot Extraordinare
(...) <snip> Is there stats on this? Without any veil of agenda, I'd like to know how many guns in the black market today come from off shore. Curious. Dave K (...) (22 years ago, 28-Feb-03, to
  Re: We love our guns!!-- was Re: Dan Rather is a Useful Idiot Extraordinare
(...) you think that if more restrictions were put on ownership perhaps >less would be stolen? (...) I think you are agreeing with me? (...) It's a gun's ability to kill that makes ownership so attractive to many. Scott A (22 years ago, 28-Feb-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: We love our guns!!-- was Re: Dan Rather is a Useful Idiot Extraordinare
(...) Care to show cause and effect? I expect not! (...) Given that 500,000 are stolen from lawful owners each year in the USA. Do you think that if more restrictions were put on ownership perhaps less would be stolen? (...) Even in the UK, some (...) (22 years ago, 28-Feb-03, to

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