Re: Thinking Out Loud...
Sat, 22 Sep 2001 16:39:52 GMT
905 times
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In, Eric Kingsley writes:
> In, Richard Marchetti writes:
> > I see madness ahead for us all. No one defends true justice, just all of
> > this wild west, "dead or alive", with us or against us type crap spewing
> > from the hellish mouth of our president.
> Well sir, I suggest you keep your big mouth shut and not say that in public.
> If you do you are asking for big time trouble.
Eric, let's not go there.
I happen to think Richard goes a bit too far but if we cannot tolerate
voices of dissent and discuss this rationally we are too far gone to
triumph, and too far gone to *deserve* to triumph (1).
All viewpoints should be heard. Some, of course, are so laughable that they
need to be dismissed out of hand, but we need to hear them first. And
perhaps in hearing them we will expose them for the folly that they are.
But we MUST not knee jerk, as tempting as that is. This war will be a long
one, a tough one, perhaps the toughest war we have ever tried to prosecute.
Unless some clear cut opportunity presents itself for an arrest, there is
need to start any full scale actual battles until we know who we are
battling. Just marching into Afghanistan right NOW, or worse, bombing
innocent civilians without first giving them a chance to learn what this is
about and decide what side they are on is a recipe for disaster.
Sorry if I jumped on you to make a point that I think you mostly agree with
but that statement of yours to Richard set me off. We CANNOT suppress
dissent, even if it's totally wrong. And Richard is by no means totally
wrong. Not hardly.
1 - make no mistake, this IS a war about morality. By our standards, which
*are* correct, as has been demonstrated before, we are moral and our
opponents are not. We are on the side of freedom, they are on the side of
oppression. We are on the side of justice, they are on the side of violence.
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: Thinking Out Loud...
| Hello Larry, (...) While in tendency, I do agree, I would probably state these issues less black and white. Yes, our standards ARE correct, which for me means that we ARE allowed to apply them in OUR part of the world. At least most of them. Yes, we (...) (23 years ago, 22-Sep-01, to
|  | | Re: Thinking Out Loud...
| (...) Well first of all we are all wearing our emotions pretty close to the vest now-a-days so I may have said something I wouldn't have under normal circumstances. Unfortunately these arn't normal circumstances. I see where what I said sounded like (...) (23 years ago, 23-Sep-01, to
|  | | Re: Thinking Out Loud...
| (...) So what did you mean when you said this less than 4 days after the attack? ==+== Secretary Powell declined to specify what would be done but said a week deadline for all of bin Laden's organization to be turned over to the west was not (...) (23 years ago, 27-Sep-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Thinking Out Loud...
| (...) Hmmm. OK. It seemed like some were making a pretty big point of it... (...) To my knowledge we have not physically acted in response to what happened yet. I think you should wait on the rushing to conclusions part because until we do something (...) (23 years ago, 22-Sep-01, to
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