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Re: Top secret project - we need your help
Newsgroups:, lugnet.color
Tue, 11 May 2004 17:01:35 GMT
187 times
Thanks for putting this tool up - I’m interested to see what the outcome is.

I’m not going to read into your post anything more than is there, but I’m sure the flames are coming... Your ability (and willingness) to stand up as a lightning rod for LEGO™ is quite amazing! Yesterday, my son and I were discussing “courage” as part of Cub Scouts - I think your continued presence is as good an example as any I could have come up with.

James Wilson
Dallas, TX
Lugnet member #1783

Message is in Reply To:
  Top secret project - we need your help
All, Richard and I (mostly Richard, thanks Richard!) have been working on a new survey tool to get a better handle on the AFOL part desires. We have been working on a super top secret project – we’ll call it Project X - for many months now, and it’s (...) (21 years ago, 11-May-04, to,, lugnet.color, lugnet.announce, FTX) !! 

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