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Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 18:37:52 GMT
1441 times
In lugnet.announce.brickshelf, Kevin Loch writes:
After seeing how popular the gallery section is at Brickshelf, I wondered
how other people could display their work.  The solution is to allow
users to create accounts and upload it themselves!

After about a week and a half of coding, and a day or two of alpha
testing, I am pleased to announce that the Gallery is now
open to the public.

Feel free to upload (host) your MOC or other pictures of interest to
the LEGO fan community:

Keep in mind that this is still buggy beta code, and anything can break.
Also note that only the most essential features are in place now, and
many, many features will be added soon.


when linkinking to your folders, you can specify the path or
the cgi arguments.

for example:
both go to the same place.

Oops, that should have been


Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
(...) Cool. What are your ToS? That is... How will you enforce against people uploading non Lego stuff? How will you enforce against (or do you care about) people using it as a site to host auction listing support pictures, etc? (I haven't went and (...) (24 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
Kevin, what drives the order of images in a particular folder? Right now it seems to be alpha. It looks like images themselves are all assigned a unique numeric key, with a record of the folder they are in... because an image URL page seems to be of (...) (24 years ago, 12-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
Some more enhancement requests. 1. stats. Can you tell me how many folders and how many images are on file for each person while I am looking at the list of all the people? This way I can tell whether it's worth snooping into someone's folders to (...) (24 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
(...) categorizing web pages, and would like to be able to point to reasonably specific pages, which won't be too changeable, so the number reference doesn't seem ideal since it can change. (24 years ago, 2-Mar-00, to lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  Announcing Gallery for everyone!
After seeing how popular the gallery section is at Brickshelf, I wondered how other people could display their work. The solution is to allow users to create accounts and upload it themselves! After about a week and a half of coding, and a day or (...) (24 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to lugnet.announce.brickshelf) ! 

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