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Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 17:58:00 GMT
1738 times
On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 12:01:59 GMT, "Todd Lehman" <>

I didn't mention this before because it didn't seem relevant, but that page
was created on August 21, 1998 (at a different URL back then) and was simply
something lying around on the back burner that happened to be relevant to the
discussion (Ben's question in particular).  Although it probably didn't take
more than a couple hours to make back then, it wasn't something assembled
yesterday on-the-fly for any particular purpose or suggestion.

On a much lighter note, I really liked how the page loaded.  I am
guessing that the order in which the images appeared on the page was
not caused by anything other than load times, but it was cool to watch
gaps appear in the lines of minifigs then watch them be filled in

And yeah, it doesn't take much to amuse me.

The parts you want and nothing else? - Just Another Brick Auction

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
(...) Technically speaking, it's possible to generate them at a variety of small sizes -- it's basically just some pipefitting and scripting with pnmtools. But then again it was just a little experiment page -- something from the back burner at (...) (24 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish)

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