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Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
Sat, 12 Feb 2000 06:31:29 GMT
1621 times
In lugnet.publish, Todd Lehman writes:
In lugnet.publish, Kevin Loch writes:
In lugnet.publish, Barbara Sproat writes:
[...] Or how about allowing custom minifigs from the member to be
displayed? [...]

I see that my being unable to work has had some more consequences. I can't say
I'm unaffected by this conversation. Being discharged from hospital only
yesterday, and now leaving for ToyFair on Sunday, there won't be much I can say
here or do.

We had planned to do this for LUGNET members, but then LEGO went and put
their own minifig generator to use:[...]
The reason it made us nervous when they did that is because it seems likely
(or at least possible) that people at TLC could assume that they had thought
up the idea first -- and that if we did it afterwards, that we must've stolen
[sic] the idea.  But the idea of an interactive minifig generator was first
demonstrated on the net way back in 1997:

Actually, I think it was up and working in 1996. It didn't have its fancy
typography and disclaimer written until later.

In 1997 I wrote code for additional online capabilities -- which are not active
right now because I was fussy about how it looked.

And last year I did scans for a DUPLO fig generator and prepared more minifig

I still intend to make the Minifig Generator a live tool for LUGNET. It's only a
matter of time.

So we've hesitated to incorporate things of that nature.  (Which isn't to
suggest that they'll never ever go in.)

Maybe we're just being overly cautious.


TLC's actions would not stop me from adding this feature to our site. Seeing
their "avitar maker" made me a bit upset (partly because they did such a poor
job). But I don't feel threatened by it.

The issues you bring up here (Todd) are ones I remember discussing, but I
believed LUGNET was still developing along its original course.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
(...) I knew there would be some interesting issues around the whole minifig thing. To be clear I *did* get the idea from Suzanne's minifig generator, not the Mindstorms site. However.... I never planned to have an interactive generator, rather just (...) (24 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
(...) Do you think this is safe (from a legal standpoint)? LEGO has already done this for members at the LEGO MINDSTORMS website. We had planned to do this for LUGNET members, but then LEGO went and put their own minifig generator to use: (4 URLs) (...) (24 years ago, 12-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish)

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