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Re: 2002 catalog scans at FBTB
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 18:18:43 GMT
1956 times
In lugnet.year.2002, Kevin Johnston writes:
(Reply to the thread in general: thank Tim at, they're not my
scans.  I'm just the messenger.)

In lugnet.year.2002, Richard Marchetti writes:
#4712 -- Hary Potter set.  What is that thing -- a white fountain, a sink, a
toilet?  Is that a pumpkin head?  What is the big purple character supposed
to be?

The scene in question takes place in a washroom-- so yes, sink or toilet is
it.  The large character is a troll (shown briefly in some current US TV
commercials, also seen in the action figure aisle for a few weeks now).
Don't know what's going on with the orange head-piece.

The rest is a big yawn and quite worrying actually.

I was surprised (and depressed) at how little excitement I felt.  As a SW
fan, I can understand that the big guns are being saved for Spring-- that's
fine.  But as a general Lego fan who misses "System", as it were, I saw
almost nothing to get me excited.  It is strange to me, after 6+ years of
watching online for new catalog news every time October rolled around, to
feel so underwhelmed.

"The Quest Begins Now"???

I think they don't realize how it's actually about to end -- abruptly!!!

Heh.  :)  The "quest" figures in outline do look interesting, and I wonder
what scale they are.  Is this more fuel for the "death of the mini-fig"
fire?  Regardless, I have a bad feeling that the reality won't live up to
the somewhat exciting product my imagination has created based on those
character silhouettes.  But presumably this new theme/product is another
story-driven in-house effort following on the efforts of Bionicle.


I have to agree with you on this....I was also disappointed looking at the
"fall preview".  I think they brought out too much good stuff over the summer.
Now that the days are getting colder, so are the designs.... I guess!!!

I think the rebel blockade runner is cool... I am wondering if (and when)
they'll put out a (imperial class) star destroyer!! :)

The motorized goalies on the soccer line look nice, and the "new
championship challenge" looks nice also (even though I already have "version 1".
I think after 2 years of soccer, they would have put out all the sets they
could have.... (the supersport coverage did them in, since it had 4 or 5
different sets they could have sold seperately..... (a fan "memento" store,
a food concession stand, a small medic's station, a real press box, and real
camera towers.   I guess that is why I really like the World Cup soccer line.
Nice grandstands, lightstands, and more "system" realistic sets!!

Benjamin Medinets

Benjamin Medinets

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2002 catalog scans at FBTB
(Reply to the thread in general: thank Tim at, they're not my scans. I'm just the messenger.) (...) The scene in question takes place in a washroom-- so yes, sink or toilet is it. The large character is a troll (shown briefly in some (...) (23 years ago, 30-Oct-01, to lugnet.year.2002)

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