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 Robotics / 25371
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Re: How many people signed up for the NXT Developer's Program?
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 13:59:56 GMT
2373 times
Wow, that sounds like a nice bit of building there.  And while sick to boot!  My
creations while sick usually don't come out so well because I find it hard to
concentrate and build good, solid, well thought out structures.

I'll admit to not having fully thought through how such a robot could be
constructed for such an event from LEGO.  I think trying to do so with studless
techniques is going to be even tougher.

Good luck, I think we may need it :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How many people signed up for the NXT Developer's Program?
John, I got to thinking about recent threads about NXT being studless, and since I'm off work sick (uggh, in between naps, I lashed together a new chassis (for DPRG club contests) trying to use small studded beams and studless beams using studless (...) (19 years ago, 19-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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