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Re: How many people signed up for the NXT Developer's Program?
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:03:56 GMT
Juergen Stuber <juergen@jstuber.!NoSpam!net>
2324 times
Hi John

"John Brost" <> writes:

True enough. I never even considered that type of setup
because I didn't think it would work too well.  However, a
2wd or 4wd rack & pinion setup might work.  And with the
big 4x4 off-roader wheels & tyres, we'd easily have 2" of
ground clearance to the drive axles.

I think those wheels are too heavy, they require so much torque
to move that the axles are at their limit.

I'd rather use the narrow motorcycle wheels, or somewhat smaller ones,
for example those from 4404.


Jürgen Stuber <>
gnupg key fingerprint = 2767 CA3C 5680 58BA 9A91  23D9 BED6 9A7A AF9E 68B4

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How many people signed up for the NXT Developer's Program?
(...) Those wheels would also be good choices, and they may be better choices than the ones from 8466. However I don't think the wheels from 8466 are TOO heavy. See Steve's post here (URL) here's a link to David Koudys' page where he dropped the RC (...) (19 years ago, 19-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How many people signed up for the NXT Developer's Program?
In lugnet.robotics, Mr S <> wrote: -snip- Your *average* differential drive/steer robot (...) True enough. I never even considered that type of setup because I didn't think it would work too well. However, a 2wd or 4wd rack & (...) (19 years ago, 19-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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