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Re: Reality == fiction?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.starwars
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 00:13:00 GMT
1410 times
Todd Lehman wrote:

In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
A true bad guy for an epic.  At least, IMO.

Here I disagree.  Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine were bad guys.  Wait, I
mean BAD guys.  Actually, let's go with evil.  Like cosmic evil forces.
Darth Maul was kind of a bad-ass, but not an epic villain.  Like Grand Moff
Tarkin, who was a bad guy, but seemed more like someone with a particular
political faction allegience that we happen to disagree with.  Darth Maul
just happened to be a bad guy.  I had hoped for a most excellent bad guy.

Ahhh, I know what you mean!  We don't know how Darth Maul thinks -- we don't
hear him talking much and when we do, he doesn't say anything profound or
revealing.  He doesn't interact with anyone else except to fight.  Whereas
we know that Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine were *really* bad-guys, Darth
Maul is just a "b**-a** m***** f*****" that you don't want to mess with, but
we can't be sure that he's really got the depth of a true "bad guy."  And he's
certainly not the plot's antagonist character.  He's more like a caged tiger
that you let loose to rip someone apart -- a demon genie that you summon with
some incantation and then put him back in the jar.

Yeah, he's more of the evil henchman kinda guy, but he was very cool and bad.

I hope that if he does
return in Episode II (as a clone or as a spirit or as his top half floating
on a repulsarlift skateboard) that we see more depth of character.

Since Episode 2 is most likely based on the Clone Wars, perhaps we shall see a
clone (that fights Mace Windu... or something!!).

Boba Fett was a much better character, IMHO, even though we probably saw less
of him in Episodes V & VI combined than we did of Darth Maul in Episode I
alone.  That's because you could figure out stuff about Boba Fett's history,
and you could see how scared Han was of him when Chewie mentioned that he was
there on the skiff in VI.

Boba Fett is really cool... that's all I have to say 'bout that. =)

But I was suckered just like everyone else into thinking that Darth Maul would
be the coolest bad guy since Darth Vader when the Episode I marketing hype
engine was at full bore in early 1999.

No one can compete with the dark lord.

Andrew, Agent 0007

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Reality == fiction?
(...) Ahhh, I know what you mean! We don't know how Darth Maul thinks -- we don't hear him talking much and when we do, he doesn't say anything profound or revealing. He doesn't interact with anyone else except to fight. Whereas we know that Darth (...) (24 years ago, 5-Nov-00, to, lugnet.starwars)

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