In lugnet.off-topic.debate, Todd Lehman writes:
> [...]
> (Can you tell I hate Jar-Jar? :-)
I should probably clarify that, so that it doesn't get mistaken for saying
something it's not.
What I mean when I say "I hate Jar-Jar" or "I hate Timmy" or "I hate Barney
the Dinosaur" or "I hate Microsoft" is: "I'd like to see as little as
possible in the future of Jar-Jar (or Timmy or Barney, etc.)."
Luckily for me, I can ignore Barney and Microsoft by avoiding them.
Unluckily for me, I can't avoid Jar-Jar or Timmy because I'm a [somewhat]
serious Star Wars fan and a very serious LEGO fan.
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