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Re: Something not right about Captain Ahnee and the Dipwads?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.starwars
Sat, 4 Nov 2000 20:36:15 GMT
1086 times
In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
In, Mark Sandlin writes:
I haven't called for ANY sentient beings to be ground up, thanks.

JJ is a portrayal of a fictional sentient being.  One might assume from your
statements of vilification that you would feel that way about real people who
act like JJ.  Now, I'm sure (or hope) you'll say that you don't support that
people who are equally obnoxious should not really be ground up and fed to
pigs, but that is a reasonable extrapolation of your expressed stance.

My take on it is this:

When SW fans rip on Jar-Jar, it's their way of letting off steam -- venting --
and really, that's about all there is to it (to the motivation behind it).

Hardcore SW fans (no, I haven't done a scientific survey) feel that TPM would
have been a better movie without Jar-Jar.  Many also feel that ROTJ would have
been a better movie without Ewoks -- or with Ewoks that didn't look like big
teddy bears.

Since Ewoks are a permanent part of ROTJ and Jar-Jar is a permanent part of
TPM, the frustration of serious fans has to go somewhere.  (Say, didn't
someone create Jar-Jar skins for Doom or Quake?)

Lucas didn't listen to the fans when they cried out against Jar-Jar last year
and he plans to include Jar-Jar again in Episode II (last I heard).  It's his
prerogative to do that, naturally, but many people feel that Lucas lost touch
after TESB and doesn't know how to make a good SW movie anymore.  Whether it's
arrogant or silly of them to feel that way is irrelevant -- they do feel that
way and they have a right to express their frustration.

When I see Jar-Jar minifigs beaten or tortured, I'm not naive enough to think
that it's anti-anything except letting off steam about TPM.  When I see Timmy
minifigs beaten or tortured, I'm not naive enough to think that it's anti-
anything except letting off steam about LEGO having included Timmy in WAY TOO

My instinct is to call those who don't understand the anti-Jar-Jar stuff
"humour-impaired."  But I don't think that's a fair label, because I think
you have to be at least a semi-serious SW fan to really hate Jar-Jar enough
to non-vicariously understand the humour.  Similarly, to really hate Timmy
(or Dr. Cyber, for that matter), I think you have to have bought a few too
many sets that came with those ridiculous Timmy or Dr. Cyber heads.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Something not right about Captain Ahnee and the Dipwads?
(...) What I mean by this is that I believe the following is true: If you take a random cross-section of the population and ask them to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 how strongly they feel they were a "Star Wars fan" in 1998 (prior to the release of (...) (24 years ago, 4-Nov-00, to, lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Something not right about Captain Ahnee and the Dipwads?
(...) JJ is a portrayal of a fictional sentient being. One might assume from your statements of vilification that you would feel that way about real people who act like JJ. Now, I'm sure (or hope) you'll say that you don't support that people who (...) (24 years ago, 4-Nov-00, to

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