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 Off-Topic / Debate / 26747
26746  |  26748
Re: We're being attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of culture!
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 15:41:52 GMT
1578 times
In, Leonard Hoffman wrote:
In, John Neal wrote:
In, Dave Schuler wrote:
In, John Neal wrote:

But my point is that science cannot ever address creation because it
fundamentally defies logic.  God and Event#1 are synonymous.  Creation
{demands} a leap of faith.

On that, I concur completely.  It's a leap I'm not able to make, but I agree
that it's central to accepting creationism as an explanation.

I think you misunderstood me.  I meant that the origin of the universe
(however it came to be) demands a leap of faith.  At some point, logically,
something came from nothing.  I don't believe it is valid to simply state
that "the universe always existed"-- this isn't a valid scientific
hypothesis, but a dodge.

Science doesn't need to answer question for which it doesn't have enough
evidence to address.  According to the Big Bang Theory, one cannot ask what
caused the Big Bang or where the Big Band came from, because (according to the
theory), all scientific laws break down at the Big Band.  One cannot ask what
came before because the question doesn't make sense.

Therefore science cannot encompass everything.  That stated, something must
exist outside of science.

Let that something be God.

Dave K

This is analogous to dividing the equation by zero.  You can't do it because it
just doesn't make sense.

In other words, the correct scientific statement about origins would be: "There
is not enough available evidence to form an education hypothesis."  This
statement requires no leap of faith.


PS. About dividing by zero.. follow this little proof:

a = b
a^2 = ab
a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2
(a+b)(a-b)= b(a-b)
divide (a-b) by both sides to get:
and since a=b, this gives:

The error occurs when you remove (a-b) from both sides. Since a=b, that means
a-b=0.  We are dividing the equation by zero, which produces the irrational

My math teacher in high school had that on his wall, along with other math
related oddities.  I contributed to that wall by generating Pascals Triangle to
something like 50 lines using a little program done on the Commodore 64 and
printed out.  It was still there years later when I visited the school.

Dave K

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: We're being attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of culture!
(...) No one said that science was everything to everyone. Literature, for example, is outside the scope of science (for the time being). (...) Ahh.. see if only it were so simple. Is it a God (all powerful, omnipotent) or a god (limited (...) (20 years ago, 11-Apr-05, to
  Re: We're being attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of culture!
(...) First of all, let's address this "Big Band" issue. I don't have much fondness for Lawrence Welk, but I guess Glenn Miller's okay. And Guy Lombardo? Don't get me started... (...) Not so fast! "Outside" is a dangerously tricky word in this (...) (20 years ago, 11-Apr-05, to

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  Re: We're being attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of culture!
(...) Science doesn't need to answer question for which it doesn't have enough evidence to address. According to the Big Bang Theory, one cannot ask what caused the Big Bang or where the Big Band came from, because (according to the theory), all (...) (20 years ago, 11-Apr-05, to

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