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Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
Mon, 15 Aug 2005 03:13:02 GMT
4385 times
In, Richie Dulin wrote:

   I was trying to imply simplicity in operation. The Grand Fuhrer, might not be terribly bright, for instance, and could cope with nothing more complex than simple scoort controls.

This sort of post-hoc rationalisation for shoddy work is more popularly known as ‘continually laying bubble’, after a certain semi-famous thread.

Keep layin’ it(1), bubble boy. 3o:) (2)



(1) to turn a phrase.

(2) and I don’t even know what teabagging is.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) Well, it wasn't a post-hoc rationalisation. But you're saying that if I want to imply simplicity, then I have to do so in a complex way? Interesting, but this: (...) ??? Whatever. So much for your constructive criticism. Regards Richie Dulin (19 years ago, 15-Aug-05, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) I wasn't going to respond again in this thread. I've just spent two days away from Lego, away from lugnet, sitting in the sunshine, trying to get my head around what I may have done, wondering if it will be possible to dig myself out of the (...) (19 years ago, 15-Aug-05, to, FTX)

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