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Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
Mon, 15 Aug 2005 01:54:45 GMT
4420 times
In, Richie Dulin wrote:
I was trying to imply simplicity in operation. The Grand Fuhrer, might not be terribly bright, for instance, and could cope with nothing more complex than simple scoort controls.

scoort? I googled it, but all I found was references to dutch websites about soccer. Lar, maybe you could help me with my google technique????


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) Look, its a typo. I tried to type 'scooter', but I got it wrong. I make mistakes, okay. Some bigger than others. Much bigger (this whole thread is probably a big mistake). This was a small mistake. Why bother harping on such a small point? Why (...) (19 years ago, 15-Aug-05, to, FTX)  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) I wasn't going to respond again in this thread. I've just spent two days away from Lego, away from lugnet, sitting in the sunshine, trying to get my head around what I may have done, wondering if it will be possible to dig myself out of the (...) (19 years ago, 15-Aug-05, to, FTX)

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