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Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
Wed, 10 Aug 2005 00:34:05 GMT
5217 times
In, Ross Crawford wrote:

OK, fine, I apologise for not being as well-read as you, and never having seen
or heard that phrase before, or anything like it, except in relation to a REAL
contest. I don't see my words are any more "clear" about the subject than yours.

Unclear? Let's review...

"Go check the rules again"

" LOL Larry, you know exactly which one I'm referring to, AND why I'm not gonna
post a link here."

Seems pretty clear that you know about this contest, whatever it is, to me!
There *is* some contest somewhere which you know about, (and which you thought I
know about too and assumed I was referring to), but which you're not willing,
for whatever reason, to talk about.

Is that true or false? And if you're not willing to talk about it, why not?

Because, honestly, I DON'T know about it, and I don't know why you wouldn't want
to share it with everyone. Most contests are fun.

How many times do I need to ask that question before you answer it instead of
dodging away on side trails? I'm guessing it's on JLUG, based on nothing other
than a hunch really, (I don't read JLUG much any more, after the BDSM contest
and Richie's troll entry in that one...) I would gladly admit I'm wrong if you
would but explain yourself.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, aren't I? Just answer the
question... what is this mysterious contest, or, what is it that makes you not
want to explain about it?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) Unclear? Let's review... "Richie: Nice contest entry but I don't think it will win." ROSCO (19 years ago, 10-Aug-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) OK, fine, I apologise for not being as well-read as you, and never having seen or heard that phrase before, or anything like it, except in relation to a REAL contest. I don't see my words are any more "clear" about the subject than yours. (...) (19 years ago, 10-Aug-05, to

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