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Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
Tue, 9 Aug 2005 13:22:25 GMT
4720 times
   Lenny’s MOCs are well designed showing a higher level of skill and creativity than we see most often. Lenny also builds more good MOCs, in more different genres than anyone else I know. His MOCs are inspiring... Um, Richie’s moc, yeah, not so much...

So, it’s ok to post MOCs about murderous regimes if you are a good builder, but should refain if the MOC is less than inspiring?

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) Um, the EB has never killed anyone, I'm pretty sure it's make believe... The death toll in WW2 was in the 10's of millions, Hilter was a bad guy, and so were the symbols of his reign... I'm sorry you can't seperate reality from make believe, (...) (19 years ago, 9-Aug-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) Well, not to be blunt about it but yes, that is exactly what they are saying. You ever listen to Robin Williams go on about childbirth? (or anyother topic really) But Childbirth isn't really a funny topic. And most people wouldn't consider it (...) (19 years ago, 9-Aug-05, to, FTX)  

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  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) I find Lenny's EB works to be inspired, creative, and usually filled with a bit of tounge-in-cheak. EB was also created by (URL) Chris Giddens>, not Lenny, though he rocks as an EB builder. EB is part of a bigger universe too with the PCS, (...) (19 years ago, 9-Aug-05, to, FTX)

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