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Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
Tue, 9 Aug 2005 14:55:02 GMT
4872 times
   So, it’s ok to post MOCs about murderous regimes if you are a good builder, but should refain if the MOC is less than inspiring?

Well, not to be blunt about it but yes, that is exactly what they are saying. You ever listen to Robin Williams go on about childbirth? (or anyother topic really) But Childbirth isn’t really a funny topic. And most people wouldn’t consider it a lighthearted topic. So why is the audience in stitches? Because Robin Williams is a very good comedian. He understands the nuances of the subject matter and knows how to manipulate an audience. He pulls the act off brilliantly. Ever hear other comdeians go on about childbirth? It usually isn’t funny. Such it is with some builders.

Now the topic of Hitler flying a Schwatstica shaped spaceship would require a mastery of brick based storytelling before banyoneb should be attempting it. If you do not understand why, then a class in empathy and history might be in order. Better yet, check out the ending sequence of Mel Brooks “History of the World Pt.I” That might give a clue of how to be funny with Hitler.

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  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) So, it's ok to post MOCs about murderous regimes if you are a good builder, but should refain if the MOC is less than inspiring? (19 years ago, 9-Aug-05, to, FTX)  

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