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Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
Mon, 8 Aug 2005 21:18:28 GMT
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4237 times
In, Richie Dulin wrote:
   The Space Nazis™ are here!

Well, I’d say a Space Nazi is here.
Here we see the Space Nazi Grand Fuhrer boarding the Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz:

Why stop there? Why not just call him Space-Hitler, or Star-Hitler or Neo-Hitler? He’s got the little mustache already, is this a Boys From Brazil scenario?
Saluting the adoring crowd:

I don’t see a should have at least built one of those Goebbels-style propaganda rallies with hanging banners, flaming cauldrons and assorted whatnot.

What I object to most is the the rudimentary construction of the craft. If history teaches us anything about WWII it’s that the Nazis had (overall) the best looking equipment. Those landing gear are so bad they are painful to look at.

Maybe this MOC would have been more palatable to the general public if you had featured it dogfighting with your Christ-fighter. The Star-Fuhrer vs. that would have been something to see.

I think the whole concept of space-Nazis hase been done better, and you are guilty of mailing it in. See The Eastern Alliance in the old Battlestar, or Ekos in the old Trek episode, or even the empire in Star Wars. So, Ritchie, can we expect more mocs in this theme, or is this just a shock-post? If nothing else, I commend you for getting Lenny’s panties in a tangle. Now I’ll go back to reading how Stalin was a better guy than


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  Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
The Space Nazis™ are here! Here we see the Space Nazi Grand Fuhrer boarding the Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz: (URL) Saluting the adoring crowd: (3 URLs) Here he is, snug in the Hakenkreuz's pilot's seat: (2 URLs) After a bad landing (not really, I just (...) (19 years ago, 8-Aug-05, to, FTX) !! 

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