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Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
Tue, 9 Aug 2005 10:42:46 GMT
5089 times
In, Ross Crawford wrote:
In, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
In, Ross Crawford wrote:
In, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
In, Richie Dulin wrote:
The [Space Nazis™] are here!

Richie: Nice contest entry but I don't think it will win.

Well that's a pretty safe bet, given it's ineligible. Go check the rules again.

The rules to what, Ross? What contest are *you* referring to?

LOL Larry, you know exactly which one I'm referring to, AND why I'm not gonna
post a link here.

No, really, I don't have any idea what contest you're referring to. I infer you
have an actual one in mind but I don't know which one. I especially have no idea
why you wouldn't want to post a link here. Can you elaborate on that? Why would
posting a link to a contest be something you wouldn't want to do? Our hobby has
lots of contests and they're usually lots of fun for everyone.

Were you referring to a different one?

Different than what? I wasn't referring to any particular contest, it was a turn
of phrase.

If so, which?

None. I think assuming I had one in mind might be a false assumption.

Maybe instead of the smartass comments you should get back to unskewing
that talk to build ratio.

Unskewing talk to build ratios is always good advice, but I have to wonder who's
operating under false assumptions here and who's the one making less than
helpful comments. As for my personal ratio, it's currently loads more build than
usual for me, (especially if you count creating information as well as models)
so I'm pretty happy about that. How's yours?

I wish you hadn't trimmed the other part of my post, but it may not matter.

Don't let me stop you putting it back in if you really want to.

OK, thanks.

I'll repeat, more explicitly, it's my view that Richie did this to get
attention, and not for the usual reasons (1), but rather to cause a stir, that
is, in classic internet usage, to troll. The bigger this thread gets, the more
attention he's gotten.

I could be wrong of course, but that's sure the way the thread seems to be
unfolding... a mediocre (at best, certainly not among his best work, I think
most folks would agree) creation and lots of back and forth about whether it's
appropriate or not, calls for various rash actions, etc.

That certainly appears like a successful troll to me. YMMV.


1 - to share the joy of creation when you think you've created something, er...
spiffy... (sorry!) or to share novel or interesting new building techniques, or
to tell a fun story

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) Just as I inferred the same from your statement "Richie: Nice contest entry but I don't think it will win"???? Larry you can't have it both ways. ROSCO (19 years ago, 9-Aug-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) LOL Larry, you know exactly which one I'm referring to, AND why I'm not gonna post a link here. Were you referring to a different one? If so, which? Maybe instead of the smartass comments you should get back to unskewing that talk to build (...) (19 years ago, 9-Aug-05, to  

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