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Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
Newsgroups:, lugnet.publish
Tue, 9 Aug 2005 22:58:02 GMT
6140 times
In, Leonard Hoffman wrote:
   In, Ross Crawford wrote:
   In, Leonard Hoffman wrote:
   (1) = What happens on JLUG can stay on JLUG - but Lugnet, et al. is a different story.

Now that statement is actually quite interesting, not for the JLUG reference, but for the “et al”. Would you be able to clarify what exactly you mean by “et al” in this case?

There are sites designed to be adults only (JLUG) and sites designed to be adults and kids. “et al” refers to any site that is trying to be kid-friendly. One of the good parts about JLUG is that creations that would be inappropriate to children can be posted there.

Lenny please don’t attempt to make JLUG something it is not. From the user agreement: “This forum is for discussing any facet of creating with bricks but is intended for a mature audience.”

It is not and never was designed to be “adults only”, or we would have included such a restriction in the user agreement. We have no problem with kids registering there, any such restriction should be on the part of their parent or guardian. Note that “child” does not equate to “immature”, just as “adult” does not equate to “mature”.

Note that Lugnet also has a warning:

“LUGNET and its owners and/or operators do not control or censor content in discussion groups. ... you may encounter material which you find offensive. IT IS YOUR SOLE AND INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TO MONITOR OR FILTER CONTENT TO A LEVEL APPROPRIATE TO YOURSELF AND/OR YOUR FAMILY.”

So in that regard I think it has more in common with JLUG than a moderated forum like, for example, CSF.

(FUT: .publish cos I couldn’t think of anywhere else that fitted)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Schpiffkraft Hakenkreuz
(...) There are sites designed to be adults only (JLUG) and sites designed to be adults and kids. "et al" refers to any site that is trying to be kid-friendly. One of the good parts about JLUG is that creations that would be inappropriate to (...) (19 years ago, 9-Aug-05, to, FTX)

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