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Re: Keynote presentation
Newsgroups:, lugnet.publish
Wed, 18 Aug 2004 00:40:44 GMT
5685 times
In, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
In, Erik Olson wrote:

The time for an AFOL specific magazine will come...

When it's time for one to happen, and there's a dedicated and competent set of
folks to do it, it will.

Larry, based on the setback this community already encountered with a magazine,
how far away do you think such a thing is, realistically?  How much time will it
take to rebuild some of the trust that was lost?  And who will it take to lead
such a venture in the future? I know that I would be hesitant to send any money
to anyone again.  But at the same time I think the time for such a project could
be today, tomorrow, next week.  I'm not sure it needs to wait any longer.

I wonder... what if, the magazine were more of a 'newsletter' and rather than
focus on subscriptions and glossy presentation the person(s) creating it focused
on content and participation?  I just wonder, I don't have any answers.

Best regards,
Allan B.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Keynote presentation
(...) When it's time for one to happen, and there's a dedicated and competent set of folks to do it, it will. Meanwhile, if one wants to hasten the day, one should be working to strengthen the community including one's local orgs so that there are (...) (20 years ago, 17-Aug-04, to

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