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Re: Keynote presentation
Sat, 14 Aug 2004 23:01:48 GMT
1728 times
ISD and mindset change continued

So how do we follow that?

Next year is the 50th anniversary of the system of play.

In the spirit of this... there are new initiatives coming.... working together
with fans to do cool things!

- Bug Build
- SEE Science Center Project
- Road Show 2005
- Commercial Fan Projects
- NDA projects

Showed some pics of the Bug Build.. a master builder level building project that
involved 3 clubs. Enfield has a charity relationship with the Connecticut
Childrens Hospital, which is rebuilding some of their facility. Enfield is
donating some display cabinets, which will have bugs in them (just like kids
collect real bugs)... LEGO bugs! So Enfield brought NYCLUG, GardenSLUG and NELUG
in to build. Neat models, a trip to the company store, everyone goes home happy.

It shows progress... the PR group came to Jake and asked "we want to work with
fans, what would they want in return" and everyone went home happy! The adult
fans now look wonderful in front of the company!!! Everyone's happy. Thanks!

Another project coming up:

SEE science center Project. Kjeld personally approved this donation... it is a
model of an old millyard... HUGE!. 25 to 30 buildings in the complex and LEGO is
supplying the bricks and NELUG the building skill

Roadshow 2005

The 2003 roadshow was a big success. It was started concepting in Jan 2003.
Fairly short turnaround. The designers of events for LEGO was very very
skeptical (he's been designing events for 20 years or more) of adult fan
involvement... Jake went to a show of his as a kid.

"we want 1 tent. I have no idea what they are going to bring but it is going to
be cool!". And you know what, it worked out beautifully. So well in fact that
they came to JAKE this year and said what are we going to do this year?

This time, the tent is not going to be "off to the side" and we want some plan
in advance.... if we give you this, what can you build with it? There was a
dinner earlier during BrickFest, (with the marketing manager for the Make and
Create line) under NDA, see some new product, and talk about what the roadshow
next year will be...

That's the 4th or 5th NDA project this year. Can't say more but they're all
cool. More and more, the rest of LEGO comes to Jake!

Commercial Fan Projects - Trying to do some things on a limited scale that might
scale well in the future. can't say too much more than that. But we will have
SOMETHING by the end of year.

First LEGO League
- Kids 9-14
- Entering 7th season
- 43000 kids, 4400 teams, 18000 adult volunteers, 19 countries
- 8 week design and build period
- 100+ sponsors

A sporting event for LEGO! Go see one if you haven't, you can't describe it, you
have to see it...

PS, 18000 volunteers... there have to be TONS of sleepers in there!

Consider volunteering!

Message is in Reply To:
  Keynote presentation announcements
I will be posting a few posts in this string with info from the BrickFest 2004 Keynote (14 August 2004) Craig Hicks: The theme was Olympics and people had lots of fun. Todd Thuma: ISD Build "Practice Run" Team members will be reported later Time was (...) (20 years ago, 14-Aug-04, to

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