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 Events / BrickFest / 2838
2837  |  2839
Re: Keynote presentation announcements
Sat, 14 Aug 2004 22:10:06 GMT
1866 times
Felix the MC did a lot of jokes as we go, and gave away stuff.

Ashley Glennon announced a desire to get input from the community on how to the
community motivated to help grow the hobby

Results of the superballot (will also be posted separately)

Sculpture/Mosaic: Derek Schin

3rd - Janey Cook, Stained Glass
2nd - Thomas Main, Great Wave
1st - Eric Harshbarger - Girl

3rd - Janey - RCMP Max Mountie
2nd - Judy Miller - Camel with Rider
1st - Davey Jones's locker - Bill Hutchison

Train (Lewis)

Best in show - John Barnes - Train Cam loco
(more to be announced later)

Castle (Magnus)

Best My own Castle (competition)  -  Joshua Levinson cabalistic castle
Best 3cs wall MOC - Ken Dowds
Best 3cs Building MOC - Mark Nelson - Grey Own tavern
Best small/detail - Cynthia Bradham - Blue Glass Castle
best Medium - Casper van Nimwegen - Mars Temple
Best Large - Edward Kohl - Glendur Castle

MicroTown (Janey)

Best Vehicle -
3rd - Ashley Glennon - Navy ships
2nd - Ken Dowd - Mississippi Riverboat
1st - Ross Crawford - Big Muskie

Best Building -
3rd - Crystal Towers - David Michon
2nd - Main Street - Joe Meno
1st - John Barnes - Motel

Best Historical -
3rd - John Barnes - Church
2nd - Ashley Glennon - 1940s' district
1st - Courthouse - John Barnes

Best Structure -
3rd - Lenny BoBenny - RingWorld
2nd - Troy Cefaratti - Blue Pyramid World building
1st - Judy Miller - Statue of Liberty (and ferry!)

Space - Bram Lambrecht - Micro Moonbase

Best of Show - 19th Century Grand Central Station - Paul Janssen

Message is in Reply To:
  Keynote presentation announcements
I will be posting a few posts in this string with info from the BrickFest 2004 Keynote (14 August 2004) Craig Hicks: The theme was Olympics and people had lots of fun. Todd Thuma: ISD Build "Practice Run" Team members will be reported later Time was (...) (20 years ago, 14-Aug-04, to

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