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 Events / BrickFest / 2853
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Re: Keynote presentation
Sun, 15 Aug 2004 03:19:51 GMT
1945 times
In, Larry Pieniazek wrote:

Then the model... It's a GP in BNSF colors!

A new part! 1x1x1/2 slope

Is that part on the front end of the model?  I just guessing, based on the pics.
But I'm wondering if it's the parts near the very front that create the bevelled

If not, can you help me understand what this part looks like?  Based on the
dimensions above it would seem like it wouldn't have room for a stud.  Is that
the case, or am I misinterpreting what you mean by 1/2.  That's 1/2 brick tall,

Anyway... thanks Larry as always for providing your timely reports of all this
great information.

Best regards,
Allan B.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Keynote presentation
(...) Hmm... How best to describe it? The dimensions I gave are wrong for starters, sorry. (typing REALLY fast to try to recover from a momentary net outage... I was wireless and it stopped working and Calum and his intrepid crew switched me over as (...) (20 years ago, 15-Aug-04, to

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  Re: Keynote presentation
(temp loss of connection) Showed a nifty hat. Classic Space LOGO hat with "LEGO in space since 1978" Lego digital Designer PAB tie in A teaser; What if there was a LEGO factory where you could create your own models, produce their own models, buy (...) (20 years ago, 14-Aug-04, to  

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