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 Events / BrickFest / 2844
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Re: Keynote presentation
Sat, 14 Aug 2004 23:26:41 GMT
1981 times
Maersk ship story.

There IS no more Maersk Blue... did you want to adjust your BrickLink stores?

So now what? S@H said what would the fans like next?

Cool things
1 - they came to me!
2 - I said Dk green or Dk Blue.. they said OK
3 - But why not just ask them? So we did
4 - and we turned it around very very fast...

So now Jake doesn't have to beat them.

So when they said "what new train" Jake said BNSF because it would be cool! And
they did. New colors, modern american prototype (never done before) neat design.

407 pieces, 39.99 USD or 29.99 Euros

No motor but two good dummy trucks, the new snowplow pieces and two motor


- Bulk Brick Discount program, 20 to 50% off depending on item
- MOT deal (excess inventory) Jake will post details soon

new sets coming in September and October...

Which Jake is NOT talking about. so there!

Should be a fun end of the year!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Keynote presentation Q&A
These questions and answers are on the audio transcript so I may not try to trascribe as hard. Q: PaB in Canada? A: working on it as we've explained before Q: How is Quattro doing? A: we're happy. I personally like the line extension to complete (...) (20 years ago, 14-Aug-04, to

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  Re: Keynote presentation
(temp loss of connection) Showed a nifty hat. Classic Space LOGO hat with "LEGO in space since 1978" Lego digital Designer PAB tie in A teaser; What if there was a LEGO factory where you could create your own models, produce their own models, buy (...) (20 years ago, 14-Aug-04, to  

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