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 Events / BrickFest / 2839
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Re: Keynote presentation announcements
Sat, 14 Aug 2004 22:24:03 GMT
1760 times
More Felix joshing

Technic - John Barnes (not all decided yet)

Ocean Crossing
Bob Hayes

Sumo Chase (line Following and Sumo)
Steve Hassenplug

King of the Hill
Steve Hassenplug (again!)

Neatest thing in the room based on popular vote:
2nd - Pneumatic Hexapod Drive (Kevin Clague)
1st - Connect 4 game player (Sreve Hassenplug)

One vote for this was for Steve (not his creations but HIM!)

Space - Joe Meno

Moonbase - Announced by Chris Giddens

Best Small Moonbase - Mark Steffa - Pac Module and Moon Rock
Best Large Moonbase - Brian Darrow - Blactron Intelligence Agency

Other space - Announced by Joe Meno

Small creation - Brucy Wars - Hot Dog Bot (roundly booed for his Mega Blocks
Medium Creation - Leonov - Jason Allemann
Large Creation - Tribunal - Adrian Drake (holy cow what IS that thing?)

Bionicle - Announced by Eric Sophie

1st -  Loci - Lee Magpil (Lee wore this creation up on stage)
2nd - Arok - Eric Christenson
3rd - Phi - Lee Magpil

Mecha - Presented by Felix

Best Small - Yellow 2 man mech - John Kyle
Best Large - Skrylitch - Eric Sophie (gave his award to Soren Roberts)

Best in Show overall

4th place - Jamaloquat - Eric Sophie (who could not spell it!)
3rd place - Davey Jones's Locker (Bill Hutcheson)
2nd place - Tribunal - Adrian Drake
1st place - Chatherdra - Steve DeCramer

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Keynote presentation announcements
(...) Congrats buddy! It is a great MOC. From the 10% web cast packets that made it, I could only hear "from Canada!" but I know that must be yours. (20 years ago, 14-Aug-04, to
  Re: Keynote presentation announcements
(First, before I even get the the message, THANK YOU LARRY & everyone else (trlToronto?) involved in bringing Brickfest to LUGNET as fast as you did. Those of us who couldn't be there thank you - a LOT!) (...) When was general sumo event... run (...) (20 years ago, 16-Aug-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Keynote presentation announcements
I will be posting a few posts in this string with info from the BrickFest 2004 Keynote (14 August 2004) Craig Hicks: The theme was Olympics and people had lots of fun. Todd Thuma: ISD Build "Practice Run" Team members will be reported later Time was (...) (20 years ago, 14-Aug-04, to

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