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Re: Keynote presentation
Sun, 15 Aug 2004 21:27:27 GMT
2237 times
In, Bryan Wong wrote:
   In, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
   Take an ordinary 1x2 45 degree slope. (which is arguably a 1x1 brick with a prism on the side if you think about it) Now make it only 2 plates high instead of 3... Change the 1x1 brick to 2 1x1 plates, and lowerg the slope of the prizm a bit to compensate. NOW (and this is the big change and the reason I said “half”.... subtract the 2 1x1 plates worth of material so that the footprint is only 1x1 instead of 1x2. KEEP the prism but lose the flat part. It’s JUST the slope part, no studs at all.

So I guess it’s like:

chopped in to 4 pieces, with a 45-degree-ish slope rather than the curve?


Yes, a lot like that except without nearly as much vertical part, IIRC the entire part is only 2 plates high. I think. I was so excited about the overall set that I didn’t put enough peering into that specific part.

If you like, think of taking a 1x2 roof peak and cutting it in half. I just can’t remember if the slope is the same, or different or how flush the slope is.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Keynote presentation
(...) So I guess it's like: (URL) chopped in to 4 pieces, with a 45-degree-ish slope rather than the curve? -Bryan (20 years ago, 15-Aug-04, to, FTX)

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