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 Events / BrickFest / 2837
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Re: Keynote presentation announcements
Sat, 14 Aug 2004 21:55:08 GMT
1603 times
Additional announcements:

Tim Courtney:

James Jessiman Memorial Award - will be formally presented at LEGOWORLD as
neither last year's winner or the recepient could be here at BrickFest.

We nevertheless would like to announce the 2004 Recepient is Lars Hassing.

Starting this year, the honor is chosen by the Steering Committee,
with consultation with the Jessimans

Info about LPrize:

Last week Tim spent some time at SIGGRAPH (about 25K attendees) to promote LDraw
and the LPrize.

Credits to Kelly M. and Karim N. for all their hard work on LPrize. Tim is
pleased to announce that there are several corporate sponsors. Lead sponsor is
the NVidia corporation.

Among all the sponsors there are about 20,000 USD in cash and prizes for whoever
can do the most remarkable thing "related to 3D graphics modeling applications".

Tim placed a call for volunteers to help make this happen. There is a lot of
framework already in place but there are specific needs. Marketing/public
relations, people in specific geographies to help coordinate events, content
creation, any sort of time or volunteer efforts will be helpful.

Message is in Reply To:
  Keynote presentation announcements
I will be posting a few posts in this string with info from the BrickFest 2004 Keynote (14 August 2004) Craig Hicks: The theme was Olympics and people had lots of fun. Todd Thuma: ISD Build "Practice Run" Team members will be reported later Time was (...) (20 years ago, 14-Aug-04, to

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