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 Off-Topic / Debate / 17405
17404  |  17406
Re: "Peace" can be dangerous (was: Re: Peruvian Indians [Re: ..)
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:52:23 GMT
896 times
In, John Neal writes:
In, Scott Arthur writes:

Hamas, for instance, has publically declared their desire to not end their
fight until Israel is no longer.  Peace is dangerous when one side's idea of
it is the elimination of the other side.

There are those in Israel who want to do the same to the Palestinians. You
are using the views of extremists to condemn a whole nation.

Wanting and doing are two very different things.  Besides, I have tried to make
distinctions between Palestinian extremists and the GP all the time.  It is my
criticism of them that *they* aren't making that distinction more.

Are you saying Israeli extremists do not murder Palestinians out of pure
hate? Are you saying Israeli extremists did not wreck Oslo and Oslo II?

In the post you responded to I cited two articles. You chose to criticise
the one backing dialogue and mutual respect. This is despite the unpalatable
nature of the second text:

"I am sure that Jews kill Arabs only for self-defence and justice, but Arabs
do it because they like to kill."

"The Arab has the instinct of murder and killing like all gentiles, and only
Jews do not have that instinct - that is a genetic fact."

So why label peace as "dangerous" and let racism off the hook? Do you not
view the comments in the second text as "dangerous" also?

Those views are wacky as well, but I reject your attempt to establish some sort
of moral equivalency here.  Murdering civilians the way Palestinian terrorists
do is WAY wrong-- it doesn't matter what their grievances are-- it is *never*
justified.  They become instantly as guilty as those who oppress them.  Do you

I agree they are oppressed. I agree murdering civilians is wrong. I reject
the notion that there is an acceptable “way” to murder civilians. Do you
know otherwise?

For the most part, the IDF violence upon the Palestinians is in retaliation for
terrorist attacks.

lol. Do you deny the daily beatings and humiliations Palestinians suffer at
the hands of the IDF?

Read this:
Suspects beaten near minister,4273,4479947,00.html

and this:
High Court decision gives green light for collective punishment\ISRAEL/OCCUPIED+TERRITORIES

“This judgment gives a green light for collective punishment in the Occupied
Territories… …Destroying Palestinian homes to punish whole families for a
crime committed by others, is a war crime.”

They *have* to respond lest they embolden the terrorists.
That is a simple fact.  I know you don't agree, and I'm not willing to debate
it.  The *worst* thing one can do in response to terrorism is to do nothing--
it is like a big green light to these people.

Perhaps the Palestinians are saying the same of the Israelis? Anyhow, I'm
not suggesting they "do nothing".

There is no "cycle of violence".

Does Hammas not retaliate after Israel kills civilians?
Does Israel not retaliate after Hammas kills civilians?
Does Hammas not retaliate after Israel kills civilians?
Does Israel not retaliate after Hammas kills civilians?
Does Hammas not retaliate after Israel kills civilians?
Does Israel not retaliate after Hammas kills civilians?
Does Hammas not retaliate after Israel kills civilians?
Does Israel not retaliate after Hammas kills civilians?
Does Hammas not retaliate after Israel kills civilians?
Does Israel not retaliate after Hammas kills civilians?

Even if Israel stopped responding in force to terrorist attacks, they would

I expect they would - but the number would reduce. The number will reduce
further when Israel gives back what is has stolen. At that point the "GP"
will turn away from violence and Hammas will wither.

Scott A


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: "Peace" can be dangerous (was: Re: Peruvian Indians [Re: ..)
(...) I was making a distinction of intent. The IDF does not *target* the civilian population as Hamas does. Yes, innocents are killed, but not intentionally. I find the distinction crucial. But if you want to make comparisons, answer this: why do (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "Peace" can be dangerous (was: Re: Peruvian Indians [Re: ..)
(...) Wanting and doing are two very different things. Besides, I have tried to make distinctions between Palestinian extremists and the GP all the time. It is my criticism of them that *they* aren't making that distinction more. (...) Those views (...) (23 years ago, 9-Aug-02, to

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