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My humble opinion about LDraw animation
Sun, 21 Aug 2005 16:14:07 GMT
1578 times
The textual and the graphical

The history of computers, user interfaces, and LDraw are basically the same:
1. a command-line tool offers the initial functionality
2. a point & click GUI layer hides the initial tool
3. eventually everybody forgets the command-line tool
4. textual interfaces reappear in new forms, mainly as scripting languages
5. users request GUI-based IDE for these scripting languages
6. a point & click GUI layer hides the scripting language

What is demanded and what is delivered

Users demand GUI interfaces and tend to be attracted by candy eye.
Considering the above paragraph i consider this as an impeding trend.
It's clear that the textual sets the standard functionality.
The GUI only sets the standard user-interface.

The cutting-edge is textual and the mainstream is graphical.

This is why i think LDraw users should stop whining about the lack of an
animation-enabled LDraw graphical tool, as long as no such tool even exists in a
textual form.
The textual step simply can't be avoided.
No programmer will go directly to sophisticated GUIs when no proven underlying
animation concepts have been defined.
First someone has to define the animation concepts by providing an animation
scripting language.
Only after a GUI will eventually support the concepts and offer end-user
friendliness to the masses.
Screaming for a more advanced GUI when there are no concepts to support is
demanding the step n°6 (a point & click GUI layer hides the scripting language)
when we are actually at the step n°3 (everybody has forgetten the command-line
Whatever loud users will scream for, what will eventually be delivered is step
n°4 (an interpreted animation scripting language).


- damien

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) I'm no boffin, but doesn't POVray already do this? Allister (19 years ago, 22-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) Take a look at Maya and Lightwave. The concepts have been all thought out already. (URL) you want an LDraw animation package, you are first going to have a willing programmer TEAM. That is right, animation applications take (...) (19 years ago, 22-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) I think it would be wise to include a step 3.5: We first need some means for saving animation data, i.e. we need to design and agree upon a file format for time-varying LDraw data. Without that, we might end up with the situation that is still (...) (19 years ago, 22-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)

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